Pastor Simon Vuragu
The Chief Shepherd Baptist Church, Chikombedzi, Zimbabwe
Simon Vuragu serves as the pastor of the Chief Shepherd Baptist Church in Chikombedzi, Zimbabwe.
March 2025 Update
A New Year and New Opportunities
We are looking forward to a new year of ministry and the opportunity to serve our Lord and His children here in Chikombedzi, Makhanani, and the surrounding areas.
Chief Shepherd Baptist Church - We are grateful to the Lord for a blessed Christmas and happy New Year that we celebrated as a church. The children and teens in the church have done very well in their final exams of 2024 - we praise the Lord for their diligence and hard work. The church continues to grow in their love and faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also grateful that our numbers continue to increase.
Church planting: Shavani Baptist Church (Makhanani) - This baby church continues to grow. And we praise the Lord for their desire to hear, learn and know more about their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for these precious believers.
Church House - It is our desire to renovate the church house property so that we can house our lecturers and also our students during the Bible College’s monthly teaching sessions. We are very grateful to the Lord for the provision of finances that has allowed us to dig a well on the church property. Please continue to pray for the finances needed to complete the renovation of the church house.
Food Relief - We are very grateful to the Lord for the way that He is providing the resources needed for the church to be able to continue caring for the people of Chikombedzi in this terrible drought, we praise the Lord that we have been able to provide a basic food parcel for 200 of the most vulnerable families in Chikombedzi, Makhanani, Chibwedziva, and Chambuta!
Chief Shepherd Bible College - We praise the Lord for these faithful students! They ended their year well and have returned with an excitement to continue to learn. Please pray for our 6 students as they navigate life and all the challenges that studying adds to their lives. From making time to complete their school work to ensuring that they have the finances to travel to the Bible College each month.
We are excited to report that we will have a new lecturer at The Chief Shepherd Bible College in 2025! Tusa Takawira has completed his studies at Christ Seminary in Polokwane and graduated 15 February 2025. He will travel to Chikombedzi each month to assist with the teaching. We are very excited to now have these two Zimbabwean men, who are well trained, to serve as staff of the Bible College! The plan is that Mazwi and Tusa will take over more of the teaching responsibilities at the Bible College.
Thank You! - Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our ministry. We are very grateful to the Lord for all that He is doing for us and our ministry through your support.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Simon Vuragu