Francisco José de Abreu Vieira is the pastor of Alliance Community Baptist Church. He is married to Claudia Neilane, and they have five children, João Lucas, Tamara, Inácio, Stela, and Felicina. The church began as a church plant in the city of Maputo, Mozambique in 2015.  They are a reformed confessional church with about 70 members, and they have around 100 in attendance most Sundays. Their goal is to plant reformed churches through the local leadership that they are discipling and training.  They presently offer a seminary degree in Reformed Theology with as many as fifty students taking classes, all through their local church.

February 2025 Update:


As for our family, we arrived in Brazil on 12/29/2024, and thank God we were able to leave before Mozambique closed its borders. By the grace of Christ, we spent New Year's Eve on a farm with the brothers from the Jardim de Minnesota Baptist Church, led by Pastor Alex Daher. It was a time of relief for us. Also, as I said in my last letter, our son João Lucas needs surgery. God was gracious and on 01/07/2025 we took him to his first appointment with his new doctor here in Brazil. Dr. Ivan Picoli informed us that João Lucas's situation is more delicate than we thought. It seems that the first CT scan does not show a "bone". The doctor told us that he did not see the TEGMEN TYMPANICUS. This means that if this is confirmed by the new CT scan and the MRI, it is indeed worrying because the infection has deteriorated this bone, leaving the Meningeal membrane without the proper protection. Even so, we are at peace and resting in God's providence and sovereignty, knowing that everything is under His powerful control. What we ask is that you continue to pray for us and for our son so that everything goes well throughout the process.


We would like to praise God for all that the Lord has done through our church in Mozambique amid the afflictions that the country has faced due to political issues. Despite everything, to the glory of the Triune God, we had a December of many blessings. We received a couple of brothers from Brazil (Leandro and Silvia Freitas), who blessed us greatly. Brother Leandro gave a module on Christian Education and also spoke about Faith and Politics. Through brothers Leandro and Silvia Freitas, Pastor Márcio Willian Chaveiro offered us more than 20 books that he wrote with the title “Walking with the God of the Covenant”. By the grace of Christ, we also saw that amid these tribulations due to politics in Mozambique, our church received visitors and this made us very happy and we continued to preach and disciple our brothers. I would like to share with you a testimony from a young man named Mazambane. In December he told me the following: “Pastor FJ, did you know that Jesus saved me after 8 years of participating in the Jiu-Jitsu project? I spent 8 years listening to the gospel and in every training session, you repeated the same thing. One day, after 8 years of listening to the same message, I thought: this is not possible. Pastor FJ says the same thing every week for years. This message has to be true. And that is when I began to understand the truth of all things.” Brothers, this encouraged my faith. I was very moved by the testimony of this brother who was baptized a little over a year ago. The gospel needs to be preached with all patience and doctrine. We also held a children’s Christmas in three locations and reached 250 children with the gospel, a snack, and a little gift. It was so beautiful to see the church members involved in preaching the gospel and serving those needy children with the message of the cross. We know that the Lord has His chosen ones there and that He will save them only through the preaching of the gospel. These children were reached in our church in Maputo, in the Katembe congregation and at the preaching point in Mucupe.

Prayer Requests

Brothers, we ask that you pray for our church in Mozambique, for the life of Pastor Enio and his family. He was the leader in the church. Please also pray that God will not let our brothers in the church lack anything. We ask that you pray that the Lord will help us raise all the resources necessary for this endeavor here in Brazil for João Lucas' health and for our health. Neilane is also not in good health, and the Lord has tested our faith in this area. We hope that with this severe test of tribulation we will be more than conquerors in Christ.


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